What is "Acceptance", and how do I complete it?

Creation date: 10/4/2024 11:56 AM    Updated: 3/12/2025 5:35 PM   accept acceptance accepting process review sdlc test testing
Acceptance is an optional step in the AppKu™ Membership service where you are requested to provide feedback and a "Accepted" or "Not Accepted" indication regarding a ♡ Care Ticket, Behavior, or Product regarding one of your information system projects.

The goal is check whether the ♡ Care Ticket, Behavior, or Product is (or will be) properly fulfilled based on the request description and documentation, and that it meets the standards set forth by your team and organization.

Step #1: Notification

The AppKu™ team will provide you with a notice that something is pending your Acceptance. When this is provided, you should to go check that the ♡ Care Ticket, Behavior, Product meets your expectations as soon as possible. This is typically done in a "review" (pre-production/non-live) copy of your information system (if it is available)- the AppKu team should provide this information to you with the request, however, if it's unclear, just ask!

The faster the acceptance is provided, the faster the AppKu™ team can react and take action.

If you choose not to accept, you must provide feedback as to why and what should be done to properly reach an acceptable state, so that our team better understands your situation & expectations and can align those with your organization's leadership and project management.

Step #2: Ready to provide Acceptance?

When ready, you should reply to the AppKu™ team...
  • If a Ticket is already open, respond to that ticket with your feedback.
    You can view your open tickets on the ♡ Care - Support & Help homepage after sign-in.
  • If you're unsure or don't know about an existing Ticket, simply create a new ticket, and include your feedback; be sure to select the "💝 Care - Support & Help" category.
    Reference any existing "Issue #", "Ticket #", or include any names or titles of relevant project materials you may be aware of. The more details the better!
    Be sure to use your work e-mail address, or sign-in or register an account on this site!
  • Don't want to use a Ticket? You can e-mail your AppKu team product development manager instead.

Don't have time? No problem!

If you're too busy, it's not a problem, the AppKu™ team runs each feature & update through a series of quality-checks and tests for you. We will only ask for your acceptance for a short period of time, and after that, the AppKu team, at it's best determination, will automatically accept the work on your behalf, and only if it deems necessary for continuing quality and timely service to your organization. 

Regardless of how involved you'd prefer to be during this step, it's important to communicate your preferences with us.

Step #3: Deployment

Once Acceptance has been provided (or bypassed for reasons mentioned above), the team will Deploy the results of the ♡ Care Ticket, Behavior, or Product to your production (live) information system project(s).
For customers with an active AppKu™ Membership.